Log in or register your myVRS account account to set up direct deposit for your monthly defined benefit or notify VRS when you change financial institutions or bank accounts and need to redirect your monthly benefit payment. Using myVRS is the fastest and most secure way to update your banking information. Alternatively, you may complete and submit an Authorization of Direct Deposit (VRS-57) to VRS. Be sure to use the latest version on the website. VRS updates forms frequently. Fill out forms thoroughly and include all required documents. Incomplete forms cannot be processed.

Benefit payments are deposited on the first of the month for the preceding month’s benefit. If the first falls on a weekend or holiday, the payment will be deposited on the last business day of the preceding month. January is an exception. For tax purposes, VRS must issue the January payment on the first business day of the new year.

Direct Deposit Schedule
Payment for the Month of Deposited on
December January 2, 2025
January January 31
February February 28
March April 1
April May 1
May May 30
June July 1
July August 1
August August 29
September October 1
October October 31
November December 1
December January 2, 2026