K-12 Critical Shortage Positions

You may be eligible to return to work full time in a critical shortage position at a Virginia public school. Positions are full-time and temporary (non-covered) for the current school year. If you qualify, you will continue to receive your monthly retirement benefit, but you will not earn additional service credit or be eligible for VRS member benefits.

There are three types of critical shortage positions:

  • Teachers: Includes teachers, principals and assistant principals.
  • Specialized Student Support Positions: Includes positions employed by the school board such as school social workers, school psychologists, school nurses, licensed behavior analysts, licensed assistant behavior analysts, speech-language pathologists and other licensed health and behavioral positions as determined by the Virginia Department of Education and the Code of Virginia.
  • Bus Drivers.

To be considered for a critical shortage position, you must:

  • Be retired from an eligible VRS-covered position. Members of the State Police Officers’ Retirement System, the Virginia Law Officers’ Retirement System and the Judicial Retirement System are not eligible.
  • Be hired by a Virginia public school division in a designated critical shortage position.
  • Hold a license for the position by the Virginia Board of Education or per the Code of Virginia.
  • Have a break in service of at least six consecutive months between your retirement date and the date work begins in the critical shortage position. This break in service means not working in any full-time, part-time or volunteer position, including coaching and substitute teaching, with any VRS-participating employer, or working for a contractor with any VRS-participating employer.
  • Not have retired with a reduced VRS benefit under an early retirement incentive program (ERIP).
  • Not have retired under the Transitional Benefits Program or the Workforce Transition Act with an enhanced monthly VRS benefit.
  • Not be on VRS disability retirement.
  • Not have a prearranged commitment, either verbal or written, with the school division before your retirement date.

For more information on critical shortage designations and how to apply, visit the Virginia Department of Education website or contact the school system where you would like to work.