As provided in the Code of Virginia, VRS has retained an independent medical board to review the medical and job information submitted with applications for disability retirement and to recommend to VRS whether to approve or deny an application. The VRS Medical Board is comprised of board-certified physicians and other health care professionals. Before making its recommendation to VRS regarding your application, the medical board considers the following questions:

Is your condition likely to be permanent?

VRS disability retirement is a retirement benefit. To qualify for this benefit, your condition must be likely to be permanent and prevent you from performing your job duties.

Are you receiving medical care for your condition?

You must be under the care of a health care professional to be considered for disability retirement. If it has been more than six months since you last saw a health care professional, your application could be denied. A phone or telehealth consultation counts as a visit and will be recorded in your medical file.

Are you complying with your treatment program?

If you do not follow a prescribed treatment program, your application could be denied for non-compliance.

Has VRS received your medical information?

You are responsible for ensuring VRS receives all relevant medical information from each health care professional you list on your application. You or your treating health care professional can submit the required medical information. You will be responsible for any costs associated with collecting this information from your health care professional.

Is the medical information objective and thorough?

Results of an examination, test results or X-rays are examples of objective medical evidence.

Does your medical diagnosis relate directly to your ability to do your job?

Having a disability does not automatically qualify you for disability retirement. Your condition must likely be permanent, be supported by medical evidence and prevent you from performing your job duties. Your employer must submit your job description and other job information, which should explain fully all of your required duties at the time of your disability, particularly any physical requirements, such as walking, lifting or carrying.

The medical board may require an independent examination by a specialist. You will be notified in this event. If you refuse the examination, your disability retirement application may be denied.