Turn Past Public Service Into Future Benefits

You may be able to purchase service from previous public employment, active duty military service, an eligible period of leave or VRS refunded service as service credit in your plan. Prior service credit counts toward the five years needed to become vested and eligibility for retirement and the health insurance credit.

To be eligible to purchase prior service, you must be an active VRS member. You are not eligible to purchase prior service if you are employed in a non-covered position, on a leave of absence without pay, a deferred member or retiree.

If you leave VRS-covered employment and take a refund of your member contributions and interest, membership in VRS is canceled and you are no longer eligible for VRS benefits. If you return to VRS-covered employment, you will be rehired under the applicable plan. You may purchase the prior refunded service upon reemployment.

Prior Service Eligible for the Hazardous Duty Supplement

If you are eligible for enhanced hazardous duty coverage and have at least 20 years of hazardous duty service credit at retirement, you may qualify for a supplement to your monthly retirement benefit until you reach normal Social Security age (or age 65 for members of the Virginia Law Officers' Retirement System).

Prior service credit for refunded VRS hazardous duty service or for an eligible period of leave while covered under VRS in a hazardous duty position may count toward eligibility for the hazardous duty supplement, provided you purchase or are granted this service.

Other types of prior service you may purchase, such as active duty military service or hazardous duty service with a non-VRS participating employer, do not count toward the supplement.